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Since forming its own city school system in 1955, the City of Winfield has served as the home to one of the top 10 school systems in Alabama. Whether on the field of competition or in the classroom, Winfield City Schools have served as an example for excellence in Alabama for more than 50 years.
Standardized test scores have traditionally ranked the system in the top 10 in every major category with our school regularly earning the highest marks in the entire state. In addition to the well-known Stanford Achievement Test where Winfield continues to rank among the top 10 Alabama systems, local students are also outperforming most others in the state on other tests, such as the Alabama Reading and Math Test and the Alabama Writing Assessment. Only three grades within the state are tested in writing skills; grades 5, 7, and 10. All three grades in Winfield rank among the highest in the state with the sophomore class earning the highest scores in Alabama three times in the past four years.
Not only do Winfield students excel when challenged, but so too does the community at-large when it comes to support of education. The City of Winfield has collected a one-cent sales tax since the inception of the city school system with 100 percent of the revenue earmarked for education. Local consumers are also supporting a second one-cent sales tax approved by the Winfield City Council in 1998 for education.
To assist the Winfield City Board of Education with the construction of a new high school, which opened to students in August 2002, the community closed ranks to raise more than $1.3 million in private funds to assist with the effort. Using pancake sales, historic brick sales, yard sales, and private donations, the general public was once again able to come to the aid of its city schools. This is just one of many examples of the citizenry lending a hand for education.
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