City of Winfield
CDBG Project # LR-CE-PF-22-025
Assessment of Performance
Public Hearing Notice
The City of Winfield will hold a Close-Out Public Hearing on Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 10:00 am at the Winfield City Hall. This hearing will review program activities and assess program performance of the Littleville Project # LR-CE-PF-22-025.
This hearing will be accessible to all people in attendance. If you have a disability which might require special materials, services, or assistance, please notify the Town Clerk in advance of the hearing. All citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearing.
Citizens unable to attend are encouraged to send written comments regarding the project to the mailing address below prior to the public hearing.
Randy Price, Mayor
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1438
Winfield, AL 35594
Physical Address:
City of Winfield
111 Bankhead Highway
Winfield, AL 35594